Breaking News: Analyst Rips Lakers’ Contract Offer To Dan Hurley
The sports media has focused a lot of attention on the Los Angeles Lakers’ current head coach
search.Despite a few well-known front-runners for the position, no coach agreement has been
reached with the team.The position was recently extended to UConn men’s basketball head coach
Dan Hurley.He apparently declined the Lakers’ offer, choosing instead to return to UConn.
Dan Le Batard offered an alternative perspective, despite the fact that many fans and pundits have
questioned this move.”I found everything that just recently happened with Dan Hurley a little bit
confusing,” he recently stated on his show. Are you going to give him a lower offer than Monty
Williams?”I was a little confused by everything that transpired with Dan Hurley recently…You will
make him a lower offer than Monty Williams.Jon Weiner, his co-host, said, “They never really
wanted him,” in response.Le Batard brought up Williams’ contract. Williams is the new head coach
of the Detroit Pistons.Hurley allegedly offered Williams a deal for about $11.5 million year, while
Williams is supposedly paid over $13 million annually.
Le Batard believed that there was a gross disparity in compensation, especially in light of the
Lakers’ enormous financial resources.
Hurley’s contract offer from the Lakers seemed to have amazed him, but whatever is done is done.